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Why Vindictus Will Destroy the Genre of MMORPG’s

Posted by opalphoenix on May 31, 2011

That’s right, everyone – I AM STILL ALIVE! [Insert Portal reference here]

Now that we’ve gotten updates out of the way, I’m going to explain why Vindictus is the best MMORPG ever and will inevitably destroy the entire MMORPG market. This will be a long article, in order to make up for lost time and adequately explain why this game is so win. Let’s start out with a default review even though the game is, at this point, old news.

Story – 4/5

Vindictus is a prequel to the story of Mabinogi. In Mabinogi, the setting is Erinn, the land of paradise. In Vindictus, the setting is…some place (hence the 1 lost point in story) and the human race (or at least everyone in the game) is trying to reach that land of paradise. The Goddess Morrighan promised the human race that if they killed every last Fomor (covenant of various races) in the world they would be brought to Erinn, the land of paradise. It is up to the Oracles (an indeterminate number of people who can communicate with divinity) to keep themselves and their race safe in order to keep contact with the Goddess. Honestly, I think it’s just the church’s way of exterminating Fomor, but it’s because of a story which makes the player question the truth that this category gets its score.

The player begins as a mercenary in the Crimson Blades group. In the first mission the player saves the oracle Tieve and is instantly appreciated/loved/hated by the other mercenaries. As the game progresses, the player gets to become more and more important to the central plot, and as far as current English content allows the player can become a captain of the royal army.

There are a lot of side quests which develop each NPC’s story. Unlike a lot of other MMO’s, Vindictus hosts only a handful of NPC’s, and most of them have stories to learn about. Also unlike other games, the NPC’s interact with each other during quest chatter, making the text an actual enjoyable read.

Gameplay – 5/5

The gameplay of Vindictus is incredibly entertaining and, although repetitive, it doesn’t seem to falter over time. Vindictus is an action-based MMORPG, and its physics system is Valve’s Source engine. Despite many small physics glitches, the game is very realistic with object, enemy, and player movements. Hitboxes are evidently used but are for the most part of correct size and shape, and the game hosts three (soon to be four!) very different characters which allow for constant enjoyable gameplay.

Players are able to fight enemies with just about anything – objects, pieces of the map, enemy weapons, enemy corpses – and everyone but the mage class can grab enemies and do stuff like break spines, throw enemies into other enemies, and push victims off ledges to their doom. The character that will be out on June 15th can even grab boss monsters.

Each character involves the use of very different playing styles. Fiona, the user of weapon and shield, acts as a tank, requiring the player to decide how long to attack before having to use the shield to block, counter-attack, or become an immovable force of invulnerability. Fiona can use a sword or hammer as a weapon, and a shield or “large shield” as an off-hand. Each weapon and shield has its own uses that I won’t go into detail here. The second character, Lann, uses dual-weapons to deal immense damage to enemies. Lann can use dual swords or spears (which are actually thrusting swords, not spears), and is well known for using spears for spin2win. The third character, Evie, acts as the mage and wields either a staff or scythe. The two weapons function very differently, but in essence a staff Evie is a destruction mage while a scythe Evie is a necromancer. Again, each weapon serves its own purpose for battle. The game has PvP although I find it unbalanced and not worth my time (although i feel that way about most PvP settings).

The game offers rewards for getting farther through the game, unlike most MMO’s which simply offer more content and more generic abilities. Yes, Vindictus offers more abilities as you level, but rather than giving a bunch of damage numbers to crunch across a million similar skills, the game grants abilities that attack in certain ways and are used in combination to combat in different manners. Like Mabinogi, Vindictus’s skills are more situational rather than damage-dealing combos. Unlike Mabinogi, though, the combat in this game is much more fast paced and characters don’t die in one hit from (most) enemies. More of Vindictus’s rewards include actually entertaining plot progression and content that actually improves as characters go through it, unlike most MMO’s which offer crappier content as the story progresses.

Like some other MMO’s, the economy is player-based and is regulated purely by supply and demand. One player puts a item on the market for a price, and if no one buys the item then they are naturally beaten by another player selling the same item for less. This makes common items cheap and rare items expensive. The economy isn’t as successful in America, though, because Americans are lazy and would rather pay half of their money for one item rather than run a ten minute mission to get it themselves.

Sound – 4/5

The PC’s have sounds when they fight, the monsters roar and screech at you, stuff explodes with decent quality, but the music is only average. I have heard, however, that NPC’s have their own voices in Korea now, so maybe we can look forward to that.

Control – 5/5

The game primarily uses keyboard and mouse to play the game. Your keyboard is used to move and use items, while the mouse is used to look and attack in various ways. The mouse is a two-layer system: In battle, the mouse turns the screen when moved. The user can then hit the ESC key to show the cursor and moving the mouse will move the cursor around the screen. One more hit of ESC and the mouse is back to battle-mode.

For players who hate their mouse for some reason, there is also a full keyboard mode. All keys are customizable and there are toggle options for auto-aim, attacking forward, and other shortcuts.

Replay Value – 5/5

This game has amazing replay value, especially if the player knows what content is ahead of them. With every new episode released, the game seems to get better and better. The dungeons become more complex and entertaining. The monsters become more interesting and variant. The bosses become more awesome.

Overall – 10/10

“Ten out of ten!? But the category scores aren’t perfect!” EAT ME. This game is pure win. I was in love with Mabinogi and when devCat made me ragequit I thought I would hate devCat forever. I love devCat. devCat, thank you for making this game. I heart you. Love, fanboy.

If you are a gamer and have a computer that is halfway decent unlike my sister’s, I implore you to try this game. Even if you don’t like it for some crazy reason, you will have experienced a game unlike any other MMO. It really opens your mind to the possibilities of multiplayer gaming. New content comes out June 15th, so if your excuse is that you hate looking like a noob then you can use the new character when it comes out.

So why is this game so detrimental to MMORPG’s?

You might be sitting there surprised that I didn’t attribute this armageddon to a terrible game. Well, think about this: If a really, really bad game came out, no one would really notice it and therefore no real harm would be done. In fact, some really, really bad MMORPG’s have come out already (Tibia [I was really tempted to put WoW here but I’m being serious]). This game, however, is just too incredible for other MMO’s to handle. Let’s take a look as to how this can be.

1) The Graphics outshine any Free-to-Play MMORPG.

There is a reason why I don’t count graphics as a category in my reviews. The reason is that graphics are not important. However, having good graphics is pretty sweet, and Vindictus basically takes the graphics bar for MMO’s and puts it through the ceiling. Players will never again be impressed with an MMORPG’s graphics. Ever. Go ahead and make an MMO that looks like The Elder Scrolls V, no one will care because we already have this.

And that’s resized-quality, too.

2) Vindictus can be played for 15 minutes or for an entire day.

Games nowadays seem to be either stressing the idea that you have to play for a long time to get anywhere or are punishing gamers for playing too long. Some games even prevent players from playing for an extended time. Vindictus used to use a token system to limit players for the sake of economy, but the limit was raised so high it didn’t really limit anymore and now the system is removed completely. A player can log on and do a mission for 15 minutes or can constantly run missions all day. Players who are of a higher level are indeed much stronger, but there are no centralized community events which make weaker players feel worthless. Each mission has a level requirement and new missions are always readily available all the way until the end of released content, so everyone is and feels important to the success of the mission, even if you’re a level 10 running with a level 70.

3) Vindictus uses sex advertising as a double-advantage.

Vindictus is able to shamelessly place females in “plate” armor which shows cleavage, legs, and panties, but at the same time makes fun of itself for doing it. People love it when others make fun of the norm (and sex advertising is a norm now) and other people like to see almost-naked women. Vindictus can attract both crowds without either one feeling bad about playing the game. How is this accomplished, you ask? Players cannot choose their gender. You might be thinking that this would be a negative for a game this good, but think about it: Why feel ashamed of using a barely-dressed sexy lady if you don’t really have a choice?

4) Vindictus makes Nexon money without game-breaking cash shop items.

Although some newer items are offering some added character potential, players cannot purchase items that would completely destroy free-playing characters in PvP. Instead, Vindictus uses genre-dooming reason number 3 (see above) to make its money. Players can buy “inner armor” for their characters which offer slight bonuses to item drops (via a luck stat) and makes the characters look a LOT better. The basic inner armor for all characters looks stupid, but for a one-time purchase totaling fifteen bucks you can have whatever undies/hair/makeup you want for your character. There are also cash shop items for auto-reviving in battle, insta-health potions, and more recently dye for your equipment. The game stays well-balanced with these available items and I am sure Nexon makes a LOT of money off of sexy undies. As a result of this phenomenon, we move to number 5.

5) Playing for free does not yield insane difficulty.

Even Mabinogi, my previous game-love, could not achieve this. Players who play for free can enjoy the game just as well as anyone who pays. Yes, those who pay do get the advantage of extra-lives and instant potions, but the game’s difficulty is catered to the free player, not the player who buys their way through games. I have only purchased revives a few times in all my time playing this game, and it was because my party of eight was incredibly retarded on a very long and hard mission that I just didn’t want to have to do over.

In a word, Vindictus will be the death of the MMORPG genre because it’s too damn good. Well, I should say that it would be the death of MMORPG’s. You see, people are stupid, and therefore don’t do their research into games. If they don’t do their research into Vindictus, they have prejudgements and may not like it. If they don’t play it, they miss out on the PURE WIN and go off to play WoW or some shit. Therefore, the only reason bad MMORPG’s still come out is because of stupid people. Add that onto the long list of reasons to eliminate the stupid.

7 Responses to “Why Vindictus Will Destroy the Genre of MMORPG’s”

  1. steve said

    It’s great compared to MMOs, but on it’s own it has a load of serious problems. Some huge issues:

    1. No dedicated servers. This means if you don’t have a nice upload speed, you’re screwed when it comes to hosting a game and must sometimes wait an entire hour (while spamming refresh) before someone hosts the mission you need. This happens to me a lot with hoarfrost depths/boat 6 missions.

    2. Bosses are hit-and-miss. The game has some awesome fights, but it seems every boss in the entire game can be downed ridiculously fast if you have a good team. There are NO epic 10+ minute fights in this game unless you have a dying team. Even the top raid bosses can be downed in less than 5 minutes with a team that knows how to spam damage at the right time. This shows a huge lack in creativity with the boss format which is “boss runs towards x player and executes y attack”. Besides getting faster (thor) or doing a random rampage move (titan), there isn’t much change during a boss fight.

    3. Imbalanced characters. This one is very touchy, and a lot of people disagree, but… It seems evies do loads more damage than lanns/fionas could ever do. On top of that, Evies are one of the easiest classes to play in the entire game. I have all 3 characters maxed with +10 weapons besides a hammer, and I run raids often. I find lanns are starting to get booted from raid boats simply because they are HARD AS SHIT to play, yet if you’re an awesome lann you’ll still have a hell of a time trying to out-damage a simple Evie.

    Still, it’s better than any mmo, even though I only play during updates (the replay value is pretty bad). It needs some major polishing imo. POTENTIAL!

    • Thanks for your input, Steve. I’ll happily make a few counter-arguments.

      1) Firstly, many, many instance-based MMO’s require a host, and Vindictus handles the hosting decently well. If the host disconnects, the whole mission isn’t lost (though some of it probably is). Secondly, though this system does require decent connectivity and nothing blocking your upload speed, it is much better than making an instanced-based MMO with servers for each instance, which would make the game respond terribly for every player (Mabinogi) as well as cost the company too much money.

      2) I don’t know how much experience you have with MMO’s, but at least Vindictus has bosses, unlike many other MMO’s. In addition, the bosses aren’t just bigger recycles of smaller enemies with more health that you beat up and hope that it dies before you do. Yes, some of the bosses are re-tooled and most of them are very easy, but at least they have some good variety and they make a hell of a show when you fight them for the first time. On a side note, maybe you just have some friends who are masters of the game, but I find the Weeping Queen incredibly difficult, and perhaps strangely I find Thor to be very easy.

      3) The characters are indeed imbalanced, and I agree with you that a skilled Evie can outmatch any other character in basically every field. However, each character has some niche that they are useful for, and I would choose a team of various characters before a team full of Evie. Every character does have its own level of difficulty to use and master. I actually find this to be a positive. (Also, if you think Lann is hard I suggest you try Fiona.) Remember, the game isn’t purely about damage, and again I say that a balanced team would perform better on a boss than 8 Evie characters. As for PvP, people just need to admit that this game was not designed for PvP. People demanded it after its creation, and DevCat gave it to them. Honestly, I saw it coming.

  2. Trevor said

    you cant write worth shit you sound like a fucking idiot!

  3. Karin said

    1. Nobody is stopping a bad host from hosting >.> it’s just not a wonderful idea. find a guild, find out who are good hosts, and ask them to run with you.

    2. if you hate how fast they die, solo-duo or trio it 😀 honestly, my guild has done a lot of duo’s, trio’s and quad raids. they’re a blast!

    3. then why do I as a Hybrid Fiona, consistently out-damage most Evie’s? I can average 2nd-3rd in Ingkells, Glas, Thor, Titan and Aghlen with a Sword, and 1st-2nd with a hammer. as for PVP, i’ve seen Fiona, Karok’s and even lann’s beat staff evie’s, and not just average staff evies, GOOD staff evies. we had a fiona in our guild, who was beyond amazing in terms of skill. she’s still worshipped as a goddess among us fiona’s in the guild 😀 more-so since she’s on all of our friendlists still, lol.
    Someone who quit the game entirely was always an evie, made a karok when he came out. and could roll around in Aghlen’s whirlwind which made us all lol >.> he consistently beat good staff evies, and we have a few amazing lann’s who can do it too. they can even get top spots for damage during daily raids against epic people.

    Regardless of the balance between chars, player skill trumps everything. just because you use the “top tier” char doesn’t make you good, if you’re amazing with the lowest tier char, you’re still better than an idiot with the top tier.

    Honestly though, i get bored of the game sometimes, but i’m almost exclusively a fiona, i don’t like playing male characters, and i hate playing mages, LOL. it’s a massive grindfest with horrible drop-rates on required items in once-a-day battles.

    my gripes with the game are the daily raids.
    if they weren’t daily prices would come down >.> hard to find mats would be easy to find :< and i really want those raider shields ~_~ but i hate grinding money above all else xD

    my second gripe is with lack of alternatives. there's nothing really to distract you from non-stop battles aside from chatting, it gets a tad repetetive.

    drop rates…for some very popular items, are excessively low. (Glas pants come to mind)

    Lann's are my third gripe. they seem to be getting shafted a lot. yes a lot of idiots play lann(And no, Lann is NOT hard to play. Fiona is harder. i mod lann into a female and i was like "Wth this is easy-mode compared to Fiona D:") but lann is not a bad character. a skilled lann is amazing. they should get the same love other characters get in updates :<

    my final gripe…Players :_> like Fiona who turtle, Fiona who don’t know HOW to gaurd, lann’s who die in 10 seconds or less, evie’s who…well blatantly suck. i find a lot of them somehow.(fiona’s annoy me the most since i’m a fiona XD)

    it’s an awesome game to be sure, but i’d say 8-9/10 not a 10/10. :3 still, best MMO ever.

  4. Adam said

    Can’t help but agree with the fact that, while there are problems and gripes to be had, this is essentially the best MMO ever :D. Such a fresh game amongst the obscene (and i mean obSCENE) amount of F2P WoW clones out there. I still can’t believe I can play a game like this for free. Blows my mind.

    I find some balance between the characters in that Lanns seem to be excellent at taking on hordes of little guys and clearing rooms of multiple enemies with their glides, spins and the like, while Fionas and Evies are amazing boss killers. Of course they aren’t strict roles or definitions in any sense, which is only a good thing. The challenge of doing solo boss runs with a sword Lann is butt clenching at times. Slip dash ftw!

  5. moerserser said

    Ahoy over there
    I understand ur cheers about the game and its nice u find it very entertainin…but if ur seriously statin from an objective point of view and have some experience in gaming, u know that this game wont destroy anythin.
    I dont wanna rage against whatsoever or yell some “stfu fanboy” stuff, dont get me wrong but ur just a lil over the top with ur title.

    First, i´d like to say that i played all 3 chars. 2 on 60 and 1 on 30 (cause i just got bored of “MWWWOOAAARGH WANNA SMASH STUFF AND BEYBLADE” lann).
    I did all the raids, all the bq´s (most on 100 just for the heck of it), saw all the equipment, all weaps, did my time with expertise and lvld paths.
    So i know what im talkin about.

    Second, i played most blockbusters and tryed quite a few f2p´s or whatever in the past 15 years.
    So i have spend some time, doin the questwalk.

    One reason i highly doubt this game will be much entertainin for many players, is the repetive gameplay.
    Of course u could state “Heeey, every game is repetive…i mean…u do quests right?”.
    But we know this is crap and that its about the presentation (not graphics, i mean depths).
    I felt like doin every single mission about 10 times. The look of dungeons varies only in minimal ways.
    Just to mention, that alone doesnt make a game a bad game.

    Another reason why this game is not the most interesting thing in history is, that its all instanced.
    And it feels much smaller than other instanced games.
    Just as an example we take Guild Wars.
    This game is also highly instanced but feels much bigger in its landscapes.
    Things look more differend and theres more to explore, not to mention the different kinds of enemies (which arent really that much, but enough).
    U never feel like playing with many ppl in Vindictus, it feels like playin with some buddys and their friends.
    Many times u find urself, sittin there, waitin for more players to fill a party.
    No big deal for some of us but it feels a lil like, sittin in a very small room with windows. U can see all these cool things thru the windows but u cant reach them.

    What else makes it feel so small?
    The story. There is a story but its not very good written stuff. It feels like reading a comic.
    U talk to .gif animations all the time, 4-8 different pics of ppl that give u quests and talk stuff. Sometimes a lil childish, sometimes funny.
    But always comic style or some weird type of anime.
    After some time, u just wanna get on with ur equipment and play the game qithout always clickin the story parts away.
    But no, u always have to click away every single textbubble. That makes sense if u WANNA read it. But to be honest, after some time it sucks.
    The story itself is not that deep or surprisin. Doesnt mean u cant have fun while readin it. But also doesnt destroy anythin.

    Something u can clearly recordnize in the first 5 hours is, that its all about Farm and grind.
    Vindictus is an asian style game, most of these games are farm and grind orientated. That´s not the main point but it leads to a question.
    How interesting or boring can it be?
    There are not too much items nor too much useful armors. The few things u grind and farm for, fit on a small piece of paper.
    And it all leads to the next best piece of equipment until u´ve reached the best of the best pieces.
    In the end, many players look the same. Which leads us to the next point.

    What about the choices?
    U have 3 different Chars in this game. Evie, Fiona and lann.
    2 girls and 1 guy. Thats fix and u cant make lann a girl or evie a guy. So if u want your Shield and sword or hammer Fiona a male, u´ll just hit the barriers.
    Even the looks of the 3 different chars are not too different. It always feels like meetin the same 3 ppl and their few twins.
    U have this problem in other games too but thats not the best excuse as u may understand.
    So repeatin the same thing over and over again, pair it with button smashin and call it the “next best thing”, is kinda useless for the whole genre.
    Hereby we enter the “action” part.

    The enterely new “Action-based mmorpg´s”.
    Woah, that sounds like somethin, does it? When i saw the first vids i was impressed. Playin the first demos was interesting.
    I was askin myself for the possibillities and the skill based gameplay…and if there was some.
    Now i have the answer. It´s 3x leftclick and 1 or 2x rightclick, sometimes u brake some healpots or revive ppl.
    If u play Evie the witch thing, its more complicated but not difficould. Play her with scythe and u just smash buttons again.
    If u play Fiona u have options, u can use ur shield to bash enemies or catch attacks without gettin damage.
    Use shield, smash smash smash smash, use shield, smash smash smash, use shield…u got the point.
    If u play Lann…jackpot, u just found the smash smash smash smash and do the beyblade machine.
    Most lann´s use a skill that makes them spin around for ages with their swords or spears, damagin the enemies over and over again.
    If they die…they just get rezzed by somebody and start all over again.
    So we are talkin about some weird kind of Guild Wars paired with Tekken with much less moves.
    Thrid person view, throw like 6 different types of stuff.
    Nothin compares, sry for the irony.

    Skill based gameplay or anything?
    That left me speechless. Theres nothin strategic in this game. I´d seriously say its the easyest game of its genre i´ve ever played.
    Even the strongest Raids can be done in Hard difficulty, without organised play. Just run in circles, rez or not, brake a pot and keep smashin buttons.
    To stick with our example Guild Wars…
    U have different skills there which are to be used in the right order to generate a chain effect.
    Depending on how good ur chain is, the damage raises or supports the group around u.
    U have to think about the right skills in the right order or u wont play thru some parts of the game without problems.
    In vindictus u have Evie as some kind of Healer. But its not so useful cause the skill doesnt give much hp, doesnt help u to stay alive in critical situations.
    Buffs are not really that much of a meaningful thing, debuffs just suck and make missions take more time but they really dont kill u if u can think for a penny.
    Skills that make much damage, sometimes stun at the same time. Or beat enemies to the ground.
    Some Raids feel like a Boss-rape. 6-8 random ppl stormtroop giant spiders until they fall in 2 minutes.
    And if u recordnized…if u spam attacks, the boss cant do any damage cause the animation will always break up.
    Sure, some bosses ignore this, but they are much too slow. What u have to do is run in circles or block a bit and attack again. Tada…nxt lvl.
    The only exception i found here was indeed, the weepin queen.
    If u wanna raise ur skills in the game, u can farm those abillity points.
    So, for instance. U decide if ur Fiona uses sword or hammer. But u just farm ap´s so in the end its senseless cause u just choose what to play NOW.
    Later u just switch back and forth cause u can raise all the skill to max anyways.
    How long does it take? Not long. I had lvl 60 within 3 weeks, without nerdin it.
    Not really revolutionary, is it?
    Even that can be interesting if u want to play an easy game for the fun.

    Player driven Economy?
    Yah, in very tiny ways. What i dont understand is…
    Players get loot and sell it on the marked, the whole day things get cheaper and cheaper.
    Once everything is bought, its expensive again. But the more players u have, the more loot.
    So everythin gets cheaper and cheaper. Players craft armor, so all the armors get cheaper and cheaper.
    The only things which stay expensive are a few rare drops.
    I really dunno bout the future of this one sided idea. From my experiences, it sounds like crap.

    The Hosting thing…
    I didnt really get the point. At first i thought its about the hosts connection or upload or whatever.
    But then i played on a 50k cable connection, the 6 ppl party experienced partial massive lag.
    I have 16k and can host many different things in many different games. I even had servers running on my connection and it all went great.
    But this game is the only exeption? Why?
    I tested it with a friend behind a great connection and it turned out, that in 4 of 10 cases the party experienced lag (rounded).
    So 6 times super and 4 times bad? Behind big cables? Wheres the connection?
    I also experienced the same thing in farm groups, the whole group experienced the same. We all came from different countries.
    Again, wheres the connection? It seems to appear randomly cause sometimes i had a whole day without lags, even if the host was sittin behind 2k´s.
    Sounds strange if u ask me.

    Is this game ready?
    I wont talk about balance cause pvp is just awesome stupid in this game, it reminds me of Champions Online where pvp was just impossible because of the imbalance.
    In pve u can always count on Evie and forget about Lann.
    Lann always dies first, always screws sub missions, always bashes into everythin like a tank without…errrm well, without bein a tank.
    Evie always survives the longest, always makes most useful damage even on lower lvls.
    LISTEN she makes the most USEFUL damage. Cause of the stuns and lifts and whatever.
    And she stays out of range of enemie attacks.
    Fiona is somethin inbetween, 50/50 chance, depends.
    Trees sometimes look like paper, they have no textures.
    Sometimes ppl spawn into ur group like the models look in 3d programs.
    Enemies get stuck in different corners.
    Enemies make u get stuck in corners, even if there was room to escape…it wont work, nobody knows why.
    They have this anti-hack-second-password thing, which closes ur account if u use it.
    So they keep it in the game but reset the second password every week.
    The support reacts within 6 days, which i found kinda ok.
    So compared to other games like Star trek online, dc universe online or worse, one could say its ready.
    There are not that much heavy issues.

    Last but not least, the cash shop.
    U dont have that much of a choice when it comes to weapons.
    I got thrown out of raidgroups many times because i didnt used the “right” armor. Which is the best-stat armor.
    Everybody wears the same EXCEPT those who pay 5 euros for a so called fusion stone. That thing makes a lvl 2 weapon hit like a lvl 70 weapon without loosing its original look.
    If u wanna do this with armor u gotta use fusion on 5 parts which takes 5 stones which is very expensive, like 20 euros.
    U can also buy “inner armor” which is underwear. Yes its (whoot) for the female chars.
    U can buy it for 30 days (why the heck) or forever, for just one char…not the whole account. Thats about 10 euros, just for the look.
    Most armors cover the underwear, so its not that interesting on higher lvls.
    The whole cash shop is expensive compared to other games.
    But u dont have to use it.

    Sum it up.
    This game might be interesting for a few ppl but not for most.
    Even if ur really bored of everything else, this game is too small and too one sided for a long journey.
    Dont say “give it time” or “has potential”. I heard that word way too often. We had that in the past 100 times. All dead, all dead.
    At least they started f2p and not p2p just to switch a few months after release.
    This game is a cool idea but it wont destroy anything. Just like consoles didnt destroy pc´s like some promised in 2005.
    As i sayed, i dont wanna be all too subjective. I dont wanna screw anyones fun. If u like it, cool. Nice, u found somethin tasty for urself.
    Just my two cents.

    Mörser out

    sry for the spellin but im not en

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